Livestock production is backbone of Indian agriculture and has been a source of employment in rural areas for centuries.Government has introduced many national level fodder development schemes to boost fodder production and livestock performance. However, the demand remains to be met. Livestock farmers face many constraints in achieving the fodder production owing to unavailability of quality seeds, lack of knowledge in cultivation techniques, etc.
To overcome these constraints, the ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Namakkal, working under the administrative control of the Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, has introduced a Public Private Partnership (PPP) project for fodder seed production in 2011 to make green fodder seeds available to livestock farmers. Accordingly, a memorandum was signed between the farmer producer and the KVK for growing fodder for quality seed production. This good practice note narrates the mode of operation, guaranteed buy back and payment by KVK, employment and income generated by farmers and the challenges in the last eleven years.
Based on the results on farm trial, front line demonstration, on- and off-campus training programmes were conducted to educate farmers about cultivation of green fodder for fodder as well as seed production. The successful outcome of these programmes were shared with other farmers through different activities conducted by KVK, Namakkal. Farmer selection with increasing awareness about fodder seed production, many farmers got interested in it and they volunteered to initiate the activity. Based on their land availability, irrigation facilities and their interest, the KVK selected farmers who desired to grow fodder crops and KVK Agronomist also visited the farmer’s fields before the farmers start cultivating fodder. The fodder seed production was initiated at KVK in 2011 to supply seeds to needy farmers, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, State Department of Animal Husbandry, Tamil Nadu under State Fodder Development Scheme and central government organization.
Impact of PPP Fodder scheme
From 2011 to March 2020, about 2,27,142 kg fodder seeds were procured from 65–72 farmers every year and 1,81,702 farmers benefitted, total revenue generated is Rs.8,75,55,071.
Fodder Sorghum (CoFS 29/31) and Desmanthus seeds was produced by 116 farmers, recorded average yield of 455kg/acre and achieved Gross income of Rs. 1.65 – 1.85 lakh / acre.
Farmers felt that the income generation through this activity is twice more than income produced in other agricultural crops
Till date, 204 farmers were enrolled in MoU and 50–60 farmers supply seeds every year based on the rainfall and availability of water. Totally, 376 acres are being maintained for fodder seed production by these farmers. The farmers also use the fodder to feed their animals along with production of seeds.
Fodder seeds availability in KVK, Namakkal throughout the year and farmers easily purchased through online also.