Fodder cowpea (FC 9 )


Fodder cowpea (FC 9 )


Availability:Out of stock


Cowpea(Vigna unguiculata)  is a leguminous fodder crop commonly grown in the tropics. It can be grown in summer and rainy seasons due to its quick growing nature. It can be grown as annual crop. It is grown for feeding in green form, for hay making or for ensiling in mixtures with sorghum or maize. The crop thrives well in moderately humid areas of the tropics and sub tropics. The crop cannot thrive frosty climate and waterlogged lands. Cowpea fodder can be fed to cattle as green fodder, hay and silage. It contains 16% crude protein and 20% crude fibre.

Lands suitable: Any type of soils. Medium loamy soils are best. It can be grown on sandy and heavy soils also.

Season: It can be grown in any part of the year if irrigation is available.

Seeds and Variety:Co-5, Co 8, Co-9, EC 4216

Sowing: For line sowing, planted at 30 × 15 cm spacing at 2-3 cm depth.

Cultivation method: Preparation of the land should be done with 2-3 ploughings. Seeds can be sown by broadcast followed by irrigation. 20-25 Kgs of seed is required for broadcast of one hectare. Further irrigation can be done once in 15 days depending on the rain fall. Cow pea to some extent can grow in shady areas. As such it can also be grown under coconut and other trees. It can also be grown as an intercrop with Maize, Bajra, Guinea and Napier grass.

Manuring: FYM is applied @10 tons per hectare at the time of land preparation and 20 Kgs Potassium, 25 Kgs nitrogen and 40 Kgs of Phosphorous as a basal application. Weeding is important for cow pea for a good yield.

Harvesting: Harvesting of the fodder can be done in about 45-50 days after sowing the seed with an yield of 20-25 tons per hectare in a single cutting.


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