Stylo (Muyalmasal)


Stylo (Muyalmasal)



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Muyalmasal (Stylosanthes sp) is a leguminous fodder crop grown generally as a pasture grass. Its contain rich in crude protein that can be cultivated as grassland or pasture. Animals can feed on it directly. It is adapted to tropical climates and tolerant to low fertility, drought, acidic soils and poor drainage. The crop can be grown under shady areas as such it grown under coconut and other trees as an intercrop. The crop protects the soil from erosion and controls the weed growth. The highly palatable Stylosanthes hamata species is preferred by animals.

Lands suitable for cultivation: The crop can be grown in sandy, sandy loam soils, areas with less rain fall, less fertile soils and acid soils. The crop is to some extent draught resistant and can be grown in shades. In less fertile soils phosphorous fertlizer should be applied along with seeding for a quick development of nodules. Land should be prepared well by 2-3 ploughings and sowing of the seed can be done from june-july months with the onset of monsoon.

Varieties: Stylosanthes hamata (anuual crop and also grown as perennial), Stylosanthes scabra (perennial crop).

Seed treatment:The seed requires pre-treatment of soaking and treatment with Rhizobium culture. The seed should be soaked in water overnight and applied rhizobium culture and dried in shade. Only treated seed should be sown for a good germination.

Sowing:For line sowing, planted at 30 × 15 cm spacing at 2-3 cm depth, the seed rate is 6 kg/ha and for broadcasting 10 kg/ha. Planting is preferred in June – July to September – October months.

Manuring: FYM @ 12.5 tons/ha at the time of land preparation. Manuring @ 20 Kgs N and 60 Kgs P and 15 kg potash per hectare should be done as basal application. Regular weeding has to be done till the plant is established well. Proper drainage has to be made since the crop cannot withstand excess of water.

Harvesting: The crop generally raised as a pasture crop. If harvesting is done 2-3 cuts can be made with an annual yield of 20-30 tons/ha fodder. Later on when the crop establishes well due to self seeding it yields 30 to 35 t/ha/year from the third year onwards.


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